Dressage Championship points
The dressage championship is being held at Lake Farm next Saturday and Sunday (9 and 10 April 2016). Keep checking the website and...
Information and demo evening
Georgina Leavold is arranging for Ian Thirkell inventor and owner of ArcEquine to come to the Isle of Wight to do an information evening...

Current Show jumping Points
Here are the current points position for the show jumping series. The Championship is this Sunday (13 March 2016) at Lake Farm. Good luck...

Georgia's first team event!!
I had to get up early but it was all worth it since the junior team did so well, qualifying for the championship and the senior team...

Show Jumping Championship
Don't forget the show jumping championship show is this coming Sunday (13 March 2016) at Lake Farm. Rosettes will be awarded to those...

How many IWRC members does it take to load Scooby??
On 5 March, you are not expecting to chisel the frozen hailstones from your windscreen with a Morrisons loyalty card but that's what I...

Area Winter Dressage Qualifiers this weekend. Our team of riders are:
Senior Dressage Team Heidi Carden Laura Selby Phil Sampson Jessie Vanassche Junior Dressage Team Bonnie Parker Georgie Ellsworth Millie...

Junior showjumping team have a lesson with Richard Waygood
3 members of the Junior Showjumping team rushed back from school today (24th Feb 16'), to have a jumping lesson with Richard Waygood MBE....

One pole cost the Snr Int SJ team a win at Crofton
Jessie, Karen & Sharon had all got double clears in the team jumping this weekend (21st February) and so where looking strong into the...

Club jackets are ready!
Im very pleased to announce our club jackets have arrived. If you have ordered one please contact Mandy to organise payment and...